Mengalah bukan Kalah

Assalammualaikum guys.

Like always, I always came here when I feel like I want to.
So, I'm just gonna talk about the title.

Aku bukan jenis manusia yang pandai elaborate benda, that why I make this blog in the first place.

I just want to talk about the past thing happen during this time. Paham tak? Like the situation yang aku hadap is like a dejavu.

Back then, masa aku kecil-kecil dalam umur 8, 9 tahun gitu, I was a little kid, by that I meant, I'm super duper kurus kering, compare to my 2 olders sister. Badan dia orang were like 2 size of mine each.

Dulu, our family only own produa kancil. Imaging having 2 sisters in the back seat of kancil and i was the one who slept and sat on the floor. Yup, aku mengalah just for others to be more comfortable.

And same things happen now, where aku terpaksa simpan niat nak sambung belajar just because my sister's still not finish her study, and the fact that when she's finish, aku nak sambung, just terlalu lewat.

"Why just not sambung je? Like tak da kaitan pun kau dengan dia in study?" 
The answer is simple, aku nak tolong ringankan beban my mom. Dulu aku sambung ambil diploma pun sebab my arwah ayah still ada, but unfortunately when I were like 2 weeks in the college, he's gone. And few things happen where, I got depression and anxiety, and felt like, aku menyusahkan mak aku.
Time ayah aku takda aku boleh terus sambung belajar with half ptptn, my sister also belajar time. IM FREAKING DONT KNOW where my mom got the money to pay all the commitment stuff. Aku siap mogok nak berhenti study sebab dah tak nak susahkan mak aku, but dia tak bagi. Aku stress siot time tu.

Now that aku dah kerja, biar aku tolong mak aku. Bayar hutang-hutang tu semua.

Even dalam kerja pon aku still mengalah with everything yang aku patut mengalah, just because dah terbiasa dididik begitu. If takda orang dalam dunia ni yang jenis mengalah, then dunia ni tak balance, and the war always gonna happen jek.

Okay that all. Maybe boleh jumpa lagi lain kali, bila aku rasa aku perlu bualkan something since aku tak da sapa nak dengar cerita aku. Well, life aku serdahana je, tak extra macam korang ^^.


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